But i guess new times, new demands are coming. The only thing that bothered me a little was its CPU usage – ridiculously CPU hungry for its plugin type. Not only the sound, but the concept as well. But anyhow, this is some piece of plugin. On the other hand, I don't have any real life experiences using the SSL hardware, so I can't really be a judge of how close to the real thing this is. But it's too noticeable, why I believe it's not exclusively modeled after the channel (CLA him self must have 'tweaked' the results somewhat to optimize what he thinks lacks on the hardware – which by no mean has to be something bad).
The EQ sounds a bit different from the Waves SSL 4000 (E), especially in the mid range, where the MixHub sounds more pleasing in a way.
I demo'ed it, and it sounds very, very good. Just as I thought I was covered using a combo of the NLS, SSL and CLA (compressors) plugins, Waves comes up with this monster.